About me

I am a mathematician at Amherst College, specializing in algebraic geometry and combinatorics. Much of my work revolves around connections between Young tableaux and algebraic curves. My teaching includes courses at all levels, and I particularly enjoy teaching courses involving programming.

I grew up in Seattle, and still miss the mountains all around, but I am a happy East coast transplant. I enjoy the snowy winters and all the scenery around the Pioneer valley. When time and childcare schedules allow it, I cycle along the Norwottuck Rail Trail from my home in Northampton to the Amherst campus, and can be found exploring the surrounding area by bicycle.

My family pronounces our last name “fleeger.” This is not the original German pronunciation, and I will happily answer to anything reasonable.

I help organize the department Putnam training sessions, together with Joe Kraisler.

Spring 2025 Courses:

Math 250 — Number Theory

An introduction to the theory of rational integers; divisibility, the unique factorization theorem; congruences, quadratic residues. Selections from the foll...

Math 272 — Linear Algebra with Applications

This course concerns the core theory of linear algebra, with specific attention to applications.

Office hours

  • My office hours in SMUD 401:
    • Tuesday 9:15-10:45
    • Wednesday 2:30-4:00
    • Friday 1:30-2:30